Mumford And Sons: Babel


Mumford And Sons: Details zum neuen Album

Bereits im Mai gaben Mumford And Sons bekannt, dass sie am 24. September ihr zweites Album, den Nachfolger von „Sigh No More“, veröffentlichen. Kurz darauf folgte ein äusserst verwirrender Album-Trailer. Nun hat die Band weitere Details enthüllt.

Das zweite Album des Quintetts aus London wird „Babel“ heißen, das Cover ziert eine Szene aus dem Trailer. Produziert wurde „Babel“ wieder von Markus Dravs. Auf die Frage, was vom Sound zu erwarten sei, erzählt die Band folgendes:

„We are more than excited to release „Babel“ into the world. We had started writing new songs well before we got into the studio to record. At first, we peeled ourselves off the road quite reluctantly. We love playing live, obviously, but it had also become an important part of our creative process, we had been writing and rehearsing in soundchecks, and sort of ‚road-testing‘ new songs on our very gracious audiences. But then we fell in love with recording again. The album started to come together, and with the help of Markus Dravs once more (and engineer Robin Baynton), we started to relish the challenge of making this album. As a band, we’ve never been closer or more collaborative, all working to our strengths. And so we feel that this record is a natural progression that we’re proud of, and we cannot wait to take it out on the road…“


01. Babel
02. Whispers In The Dark
03. I Will Wait
04. Holland Road
05. Ghosts That We Knew
06. Lover Of The Light
07. Lovers’ Eyes
08. Reminder
09. Hopeless Wanderer
10. Broken Crown
11. Below My Feet
12. Not With Haste

Mumford And Sons: Babel
Vö: 21.09.2012 / Gentlemen Of The Road, Cooperative